For moving assistance, advice or a free in-house consultation call +381 60 08 543 21 now.

customs servicesWithout customs documentation, good customs brokerage and logistic steps, there is no good transport.

Our logistic team provides transport solutions, planning, necessary procedures and documentation.

Do not delegate parts of your customs clearance to different companies. Simplify your process, working exclusively with us, from beginning to end. With our experienced customs experts, we help you define your needs and stay focused on finding opportunities for minimizing costs and risks.

At the same time, we help you to comply with existing Government regulations and be ready to change regulations and laws.  We are your guide to customs procedures of the European Union and other countries on all continents.  

Advantages of our Customs Service:

  • Compliance assistance
  • Tariff codes that will help you pay the appropriate duty rates
  • Compliance consultations
  • Customs brokerage / permits / submission of declarations / insurance / preliminary checks / entry into the bonded warehouse / control and inspection of the shipments
  • ATA carnets
  • Licenses
  • permits

Our logistic services include:

  • Customs broker services / mediation in customs procedures and obtaining the necessary documentation and specific permits    
  • Storage, distribution and inventory management

Contact Us


Bulevar Arsenija Čarnojevića 80
11070 New Belgrade, Serbia, , 

  +381 11 408 15 90

  +381 11 408 15 90

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