For moving assistance, advice or a free in-house consultation call +381 60 08 543 21 now.

Here are some documents, which will be useful for planning of your removal.These documents will cover topics such as immigration, travel information and required documents and customs hints. You could also send us your inquiry and we will keep you up to date with useful international moving and relocation information. 

pdf icon png 17UK C3 custom forms

pdf icon png 17Serbian customes info anf forms

pdf icon png 17Swiss 1844 form

pdf icon png 17USA customs form 3299

pdf icon png 17Australian customs form B534

Contact Us


Bulevar Arsenija Čarnojevića 80
11070 New Belgrade, Serbia, , 

  +381 11 408 15 90

  +381 11 408 15 90

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